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Weapon Parts are materials scattered around the environment in Dead Space 3 that are used to craft new weapons with different abilities. 


  • Compact Standard Frame: For one-handed weapons. No bonuses, but cheap to make.
  • Heavy Standard Frame: For two-handed weapons. No bonuses, but cheap to make.
  • Compact Elite Frame: A special frame for one-handed weapons, has all Circuits slots unlocked.
  • Heavy Elite Frame: A special frame for two-handed weapons, has all Circuits slots unlocked.
  • Weller's Compact Frame: A frame for one-handed weapons, has built in RLD +4. Only supports Top tools.
  • Hammond's Heavy Frame: A frame for two-handed weapons, has built in CLP +4. Only supports Top tools.
  • EarthGov Compact Frame: A frame for one-handed weapons, has built in SPD +4.
  • S.C.A.F. Heavy Frame: A frame for two-handed weapons, has built in DMG +4.

Mk-II and Mk-V variants of the Compact and Heavy Elite frames exist. Both provide a RLD bonus, with Mk-V parts having twice the bonus.

Tool Parts

  • Explosive Module and Electric Module: Activates explosion or electrocution on the last shot(s) (up to five) fired. So far, only applicable to: Rivet Gun, Javelin Gun(s), Rivet Shotgun, Line Gun Mine, and Anchored Bolas. Mk-II and Mk-V versions are also available.
  • Hydralic Engine: A bayonet-like attachment for stronger melee (for heavy frames and compact standard frame like the plasma cutter and only for lower tools).
  • Military Engine: A military weapon used by S.C.A.F Forces.
  • Plasma Core: A cutting tool that fires ionized plasma.
  • Pneumatic Torch: An incendiary device fueled by compressed gas.
  • Rip Core: A cutting tool that fires rotating saw blades.  KEY NOTE: This is not in the demo, but is on the final version of Dead Space 3.
  • Rotator Cuff Module: Allows upper tool to rotate 90 degrees (so far, only applicable to: Plasma Cutter, Plasma Disperser, Line Gun, Rip Core, and Plasma Repeater). Mk-II and Mk-V versions are available, which decrease reload time.
  • Survey Charge: A seismic tool that fires explosive canisters.
  • Telemetry Spike: A mining tool fires tempered alloy bolts.
  • Tesla core: An engine for high current electric welding.

Tool Tip Parts

  • Conic Dispersal: Makes weapon projectiles fire with wide spread.
  • Compressor: Allows weapons to have a more focused spread.
  • Default Tip: Every weapon will start off with this tip.
  • Diffraction Torus: Makes weapons have special properties specific to the weapons themselves.
  • Directed Ejection Field: Fires very accurate and instant projectiles.
  • Directed Suspension Field: Makes weapons that fire in bursts or with suspended ammunition.
  • Precision Tip: Makes weapons with sniper rifle precision or with certain main weapon parts, a Cryogenic Torch that freezes targets.
  • Rail Accelerator: Makes weapons fire specialized projectiles in slightly accelerated fashion.
  • Repeater: Makes a rapid-fire tip.

All of the tool tips can be found as Mk-II and Mk-V variants as well. They provide bonus SPD to the weapon, with Mk-V parts having twice the bonus.

Compact Frame Weapon List

These are standard weapons created with the Compact Frame and its respectable tool parts.

Military Engine

  • Default Tip [Submachine Gun] - Produces a rapid-fire compact submachine gun.
  • Compact Directed Ejection Field [Revolver] - Produces a powerful revolver.

Plasma Core

  • Default Tip [Plasma Cutter] - Creates a standard Plasma Cutter beam.
  • Conic Dispersal [Plasma Disperser] - Creates a slightly wider and more damaging Plasma Cutter beam.
  • Repeater [Plasma Repeater] - Creates a weaker fully automatic Plasma Cutter beam with reduced cutting width and compensates with a much higher clip size.
  • Planet Cracker [Planet cracker tip] - Creates a more powerful Plasma Cutter beam than the default tip. This can only be earned by having a Dead Space 2 save file present on the same hard drive.

Pneumatic Torch

  • Default Tip [Blowtorch] - Creates a blazing-hot Blowtorch.

Rip Core (Not in the DS3 Demo)

  • Default Tip - A Saw blade is fired as horizontal cutting projectile. Functions identically to the Ripper Secondary Fire in the previous games.
  • Directed Suspension Field - A Sawblade that can be steered while active. Has a very short range, but incredibly potent with an Electrocution Module. Functions identically to the Ripper Primary Fire in the previous games.
  • Repeater - A Saw blade is fired as vertical cutting projectile.

Tesla Core (Not in the Dead Space 3 Demo)

  • Default Tip [Tesla Pistol] - Creates a deadly Tesla Pistol. Building this weapon is inadvisable, as it is too weak to be viable on most difficulties. However, it does stun with each hit.

Telemetry Spike

  • Default Tip [Rivet Gun] - Produces a semi-automatic Rivet Gun. Can be very powerful if properly upgraded.

Heavy Frame Weapon List

These are standard weapons created with the Heavy Frame and its respectable tool parts.

Military Engine

  • Default Tip [Carbine] - Creates a durable semi-automatic rifle. Very accurate due to being semi-auto.
  • Repeater [Pulse Rifle] - Produces a fully automatic Pulse Rifle. Resembles the Pulse Rifle from previous Dead Space games but fires bullets instead of energy packets (Empty cartridges are ejected from the Dead Space 3 variant).
  • Precision Tip [Seeker Rifle] - Creates a rifle with sniper-like precision. High powered Sniper Rifle, but slow.
  • Conic Dispersal [Shotgun] - Produces a reliable shotgun. Knocks enemies back.
  • Compressor [Assault Rifle] - Produces an assault rifle with spread fire. Fastest reload of Military Engine weapons.
  • Directed Suspension Field [Galvanizer] - Produces a burst-fire submachine gun. Fires in 3-4 shot bursts.
  • Rail Accelerator [Bullpup Rifle] Like the Assault Rifle but much more accurate, but slower reload and ROF.

Plasma Core

  • Default Tip [Force Gun] - Produces a kinetic shotgun with knock-back energy. Weaker than the previous Dead Space variants. Has very good knock back damage.
  • Compressor [Kinetic Projector] - Creates a charged weapon that fires a kinetic impulse. The impulse behaves like a (even in effects) a Hollywood style railgun, piercing enemies with a bright white beam.
  • Precision Tip [Contact Beam] (upper tools only) - Produces a devastating beam of kinetic energy. Functions the same as the Contact Beam's Primary Fire in the previous games.
  • Diffraction Torus [Ground Diffractor] (lower tools only) - Creates a tool that knocks back all nearby enemies with a ground pulse. Functions the same as the Contact Beam's Secondary Fire in the previous games.

Pneumatic Torch

  • Default Tip [Flamethrower] - Produces an intense cloud of white-hot flame. DS1 Flamethrower.
  • Compressor [Magnesium Afterburner] Fully upgraded DS2 Flamethrower, but thinner.
  • Precision Tip [Cryogenic Torch] - Produces a cryogenic torch that freezes its targets. The "freezing" is actually a upbuilding stasis effect. Fires in an arc.

Rip Core (Not in DS3 demo)

  • Default Tip [Ripper Secondary] - A Sawblade that can be steered while its active, very short range.
  • Directed Ejection Field [Ripper Primary] - A saw blade is fired as a horizontal cutting projectile.
  • Repeater [Ripper Secondary Vertical] A Sawblade is fired as vertical cutting projectile.

Survey Charge

  • Default Tip [Grenade Launcher] - Fires explosive grenades. DS2 Pulse rifle secondary.
  • Directed Ejection Field [Detonator] - Creates trip mines that stick to surfaces. DS2 Detonator
  • Compressor [Line Gun Mine] - Creates a timed mine that sticks to surfaces.
  • Rail Accelerator [Knockback Detonator] - Creates trip mines with knockback damage. DS2 Detonator but with kinetic force instead of raw damage.
  • Diffraction Torus [Incendiary Grenade] - Produces incendiary grenades. Actually the DS2 Flamethrower secondary.
  • Directed Suspension Field [Rocket Launcher] - Creates a rocket launcher. Extremly hardhitting; but also very small Magazine.

Telemetry Spike

  • Default Tip [Javelin Gun] - Fires an impaling javelin. The Dead Space 2 Javelin gun variant without the ability to electrocute and explode the last shot. These abilities (must be added with the Electrocution Module or the Explosion Module).
  • Conic Dispersal [Rivet Shotgun] - Produces a shotgun that fires rivets. More projectiles than the military shotgun but less knockback.
  • Diffraction Torus [Chain Gun] - Produces a chain gun that fires impaling spikes. Very high magazine capacity, with respectable damage, it can be one of the most powerful and efficient weapons once upgraded properly.

Tesla Core

  • Default Tip [Line Gun] - Fires a wide beam of electric energy. DS1/2 Linegun primary.
  • Precision Tip [Tesla Beam] (upper tools only) - Produces an electric pulse that discharges violently. Behaves almost identically to the Plasma Core with a Precision Tip, but does less damage. It charges faster and deals splash damage, however.
  • Compressor [Bouncing Bolas] - Creates a bouncing electrified bola. The bola bounces at every target, even enemies, can cause more damage the more it bounces.
  • Directed Suspension Field [Anchored Bolas] - Produces an electrified bola that sticks to surfaces. Creates a short lived electrical trap with very high damage but short range.
  • Repeater [Bolas Cutter] - Produces an electrified bolas cutter. Like the Linegun and plasmacutter, but as a Bola.
  • Diffraction Torus [Chain Lightning Gun] - Produces an electric arc that spreads to nearby targets. DS-Extraction Teslagun. Immensely powerful multi-purpose weapon once properly upgraded.

Hydraulic Engine

  • Default Tip [Hydraulic Eviscerator] - Allows tool to be run like a chainsaw. Each blow is vertical.
  • Conic Dispersal [Hydraulic Hammer] - Allows tool to be swung like a hammer. Each blow is horizontal. Both the Hammer and the Eviscerator require ammunition like any other weapon.