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Titan Mines was one of the seven Multiplayer maps in Dead Space 2. The map was described to set in one of the CEC mining facilities on the cracked moon, Titan on the Sprawl.


Titan Mines was set in one of the CEC mining facilities where a Security Team was sent in to find, construct and detonate a ShockPoint Bomb, stopping many Necromorphs from leaving the Mines and attacking the Sprawl.

The Mines once again appeared in Dead Space 2: Severed where it served as a Single Player map and most areas are blocked off with the remains of an obvious battle. It was also the first place that Gabe Weller encountered the Twitcher.


  • Titan Mines was the map playable in the Dead Space 2 Multiplayer Beta available on the PS3.
  • The Titan Mines had many high ledges that are perfect for long range Necromorphs like the Lurker and Spitter.
  • If you listened very carefully during Multiplayer when you are playing as a Necromorph in the Titan Mines, you could hear a distorted voice commanding the Necromorphs. Whether it was one of the Brethren Moons or just a pawn under their command was unknown, however.

