Dead Space Wiki

CMS Brusilov ("The Surgeon / The Comeback Kid") is a Sovereign Colonies ship orbiting Tau Volantis. To keep the research operation safe, the Brusilov was deployed to watch over the fleet, specialising in long-range detection of incoming ships. It was equipped with a missile system and large mass cannons for close-range combat, as well as a system that it used to deploy space mines. Aside from the weaponry, the Brusilov had crew accommodations that were significantly less comfortable than those found on the other ships. The ship was designed to operate solely in deep space.[2]


Events of Dead Space 3


The CMS Brusilov is the ship where the first co-op mission in the game takes place. It is out of the way and there are no mission activation places for the co-op mission until the players decide to go there themselves, after which Carver will receive a transmission from his son, Dylan Carver and request to check out the ship. Upon entering the ship, Isaac and Carver face a problem; the Brusilov lacks air, so they need restore life support to properly explore the ship. Upon returning life support to the Brusilov, Carver hears another transmission from Dylan, who sounds terrified. Carver is determined to find where the transmission originated from.

Upon reaching a deeper section of the ship, They both reach a room with a Marker that has cords running into it, indicating the crew were running tests on it before the Scenario Five cleanse order. Carver sees a toy soldier near the Marker and approaches it, but Isaac tells him to stay away from the Marker, not noticing the soldier. Carver tells him not to worry, and he picks up the soldier and hears an eerie voice telling him, "Why did you do it?" and the Marker glows red. It is then revealed to the players that Carver is being affected by dementia from the Marker. Isaac snaps Carver out of the trance as Necromorphs swarm the room.

After killing all of the enemies, the players will find a storage container filled with a number of tool parts and resources as a reward for completing the mission. Upon exiting the room to leave the Brusilov, life support systems were cut off presumably by the Necromorphs, which gives the players a time limit to get off the ship before they suffocate. Upon leaving the ship, Isaac figured the Marker showed Carver something and asked him what he saw; Carver denies the assumption and tells Isaac to forget what happened in the Brusilov and to focus on getting to the planet, to which Isaac agrees.

Spoilers end here.


C.M.S Brusilov Debris Field

You will have access to this optional mission during chapter 4 and then again during chapter 7. To reach the mission area you will need to get in the SKIP and fly to the C.M.S Brusilov destination choice. When you arrive, exit the vehicle to enter zero gravity mode. Note that you must be playing in co-operative mode in order to play through this mission!

When you exit the SK1P, look for the large piece of debris below, with the number ‘6’ written on it. Fly down to this and check out the black and yellow windows. These can be shot out. Once of these contains a Weapon Part – Precision Tip [Weapon Part 1/5]. Next, fly around to the bottom of this piece of debris. Shoot the cysts that you come across here and find the door leading inside.

As you enter, look against the right hand wall for a S.C.A.F artefact [Artefact 1/2]. Open the big chest at the end for an Upgrade Circuit [Circuit 1/2] and a swathe of ammo and other crafting reagents. As you exit the chest, a leaper will spawn behind you. Take it out and exit back to the zero gravity area.

Use your suit locator and fly over to the objective marker. Note that here is a hive mind attached to the piece of debris floating directly opposite the entrance, so kill this if you wish before landing and entering the door.

C.M.S Brusilov

Once inside, proceed through the next door and enter the room at the far end of the hallway. Here you’ll see a ladder leading down. Wander around the room here and kill all of the wasters that appear before heading down the ladder. At the bottom, you will encounter a carrier (remember – shoot the legs, not the body) and a waster.  There are a good number of lockers and crates to destroy in this area, so go for it if you are in need of ammo or resources.

Continue through the unlocked door and look on the ground to the right for a text log [Log 1/3]. Take the opportunity to refill your oxygen here if you need to as well. Keep going along the set path until you reach a control room of sorts. There is a pair of wasters in here and a number of lockers for the looting. When ready proceed through the next unlocked door. Enter the lift opposite and ride it down to the next area.

Exit the lift and kill the 2-3 lurkers in the immediate area, there is another oxygen tank we can use to refill our oxygen here too. When you are ready to go, climb down the ladder.  Loot the lockers here if desired and continue around the corner. Here you will find a text log [Log 2/3] and a weapon Part – Explosive Module [Weapon Part 2/5]. Sitting to the left of these is a panel we can use to re-activate oxygen to the ship.

Have one player hack the panel, whilst the other looks back towards here you came from. As soon as the hacking begins, a large number of enemies (well 3 lurkers and 3 wasters) will pour out of the vent here, so the non-hacking player will have to defend until the hack is completed. Note there are some stasis and explosive canisters lying around to make things a little easier.

Once oxygen is restored, return back up the ladder and take the elevator back up to the previous area. Once you are up, enter the door to the left for some ammo/med packs/reagents before going back to the hallway, killing the slasher that appears and entering the door opposite.

Enter the door at the end of the short passage; eliminate the 3-4 wasters here and the check out the door at the end of the first hallway to the left. Go inside and look on the bed for an EarthGov artefact [Artefact 2/2] (note there is also an upgrade circuit on the desk here in new game +). Return to the main hallway and enter the door at the top of the stairs.

Go up the stairs here to find a hacking puzzle next to a locked door. Ignore this for now and check out the unlocked door nearby. Inside you’ll find a text log [Log  3/3] on the bed and an upgrade circuit [Circuit 2/2] on the sink. Go back outside and complete the mini-game to open the door. Go on through.  A scene will play.

After the scene has concluded, you’ll need to defend yourself against a few waves of enemies. In total I counted 8 wasters and 3 lurkers (although there easily could have been 1-2 more of each – it gets a little hectic!). There are some stasis canisters about, so feel free to use those if the numbers start to get a little overwhelming.

When the room is clear, go over to the back left corner and loot the chest here for 3 weapon parts – Plasma Core [Weapon part 3/5], Ammo Support [Weapon part 4/5] and Compact Conic Dispersal [Weapon part 5/5]. There is a bench here if you wish to play around with your weapons (note that behind the marker statue in the centre of the room is a weapon part – MKII- Compact Conic Dispersal on new Game +). When you are ready, go back through the door we came from.

Kill the carrier that is waiting for you on the other side. Note that if you do shoot it incorrectly, it will spawn those swarmers which will go and revive the bodies in the room here.  Once everything is dead, enter the door at the bottom of the stairs and follow the hallway to the left.

Enter the door here and kill the 4-5 wasters that occupy the space before entering the next door.  Return through the door opposite the lift. Kill the 3 lurkers and 5 wasters that are now residing here before continuing back through the unlocked door at the bottom of the stairs. Refill your oxygen here if required and then enter the next room. Climb the ladder to the upper area.

As you reach the top, fight off the lurker and 4 wasters that drop down from the roof in here before continuing through the door to the starting area. Return outside to the zero gravity area to complete the mission.



Dead Space 3 - (Carver) CMS Brusilov Co-op Optional Mission Walkthrough Impossible Difficulty (PC)


  1. Dead Space limited edition
  2. Dead Space limited edition page346
